Quote of the day

“I find economics increasingly satisfactory, and I think I am rather good at it.”– John Maynard Keynes

Thursday 18 October 2018

Tax working less, not more:

If we want our people to work harder, tax them less

According to figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Japanese work far more hours than the French, Spanish, or the British
Our culture is different. We enjoy a more leisurely pace of life. We take more holidays, and family and religious traditions mean that we spend more time away from the factory or the office. Over the years, lots of reasons have been put forward for the fact that Europeans – including the British – work less than people in the rest of the world.
But in fact, the explanation is much simpler than that. According to a fascinating new paper from the St Louis Fed, we are just taxed too highly. Over five decades, it found the taxes imposed on labour steadily went up in Europe compared to everywhere else. Not very surprisingly, we decided to work less, while everyone else worked a bit harder. The result? Europe steadily put fewer hours in than the rest of the world, and became relatively poorer as well. There is lots of fashionable talk about four-day weeks, and robotics, destroying jobs. But the simple truth remains that if we cut the taxes on work, we would all be a lot richer.
There are not many economic league tables where Europe takes a comfortable lead. Not on growth, or stock market performance, or tech start-ups, or much else. But when it comes to shortening the working week, the continent has some real champions. The Germans only put in an average of 26 hours a week, according to figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, although admittedly they are probably getting a lot done in their relentless Teutonic way in that time. The French come in next at 28 hours, while the Spanish and the British are putting in 32 hours. The Americans, Japanese and the South Koreans are all doing significantly more hours than that.
But it has not always been like that. In a recent paper the St Louis Fed, which does a lot of the original research for the Federal Reserve, crunched the numbers on long-term trends in working hours across the world. Rewind to 1950, and it turns out that Europe was the hardest-working continent. The average person put in slightly over 1,000 hours each per year, compared with only slightly over 800 for the US and the rest of the world. Over the next 50 years, however, that went into steady decline. By the close of the 20th century, the average European had managed to cut his or her working year down to around to 700 hours. Everywhere else, by contrast, it was going up. In the US, it had increased to 850 hours a year by the year 2000 and has stayed around that level ever since, and for the rest of the world it went up to close on 900 hours a year. From the top of the table, Europe had dropped right down to the bottom.
As they became richer during the long post-war boom, it is possible that Europeans had decided they would rather take longer holidays, or enjoy a little more leisure time.
Maybe that was part of the story. But the paper found a much more obvious explanation for what was going on over those five decades. Over that time, taxes on labour rose steadily in Europe, but not elsewhere. “High taxes on wages and salaries can discourage people from working,” it argues. “Labour taxes have generally increased in Europe from 1950 to the mid-Nineties, and we see that per capita hours worked declined during this same period.” After controlling for factors such as labour regulations, social security benefits and trade union power, all of which could potentially play a role, the paper concluded that we “can attribute most of the changes in hours worked to taxes and not to other factors”. Indeed, significantly, from the mid-Nineties taxes on labour started to level off in Europe, and – surprise, surprise – the decline in working hours levelled off as well. In the last few years, it has started to rise again, suggesting that as those social charges come down, people are rediscovering their appetite for work.
In fact, Europe has some punishing taxes on labour. The OECD calculates the “tax wedge” every year, which measures the percentage of every salary that is taken in taxes and payroll charges. For a single worker without children, it has reached an extraordinary 53pc in Belgium, and not much less in France and Germany. By contrast, in countries such as Mexico or New Zealand it is less than 20pc, and the average for the OECD as a whole is only 35pc. There is a lot of talk about how artificial intelligence and robotics will destroy traditional jobs. John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, is the latest politician to jump on that bandwagon with support for a four-day working week. In Sweden there have been experiments with a six-hour day, and France has a maximum 35-hour week, and for all President Macron’s reforming zeal it appears untouchable. There is a constant demand for yet more rules and regulation to make us all work a bit less.
In fact, as the St Louis paper makes clear, the best way to make us all richer would be to work harder. How can we do that? If we taxed labour a little less, hours worked and output would soar. There is no real reason why Europeans should not be working the same hours as Americans or everyone else in the world. The evidence already shows that when they started being taxed a little less, they started working a bit more as well. Crushing taxes on labour have destroyed the work ethic of what half a century ago was the hardest working continent in the world. We could turn that around if we wanted to, and make all of us richer in the process – but the only way to do that would be to reduce the taxes on clocking into the office or factory.

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