Quote of the day

“I find economics increasingly satisfactory, and I think I am rather good at it.”– John Maynard Keynes

Sunday 27 August 2023

Read this and make notes, then I can skip some of the boring bits on inflation...



Should we move the Bank’s inflation target to 3%?

The Sunday Times

An epic battle has been under way for more than 18 months. Some say it is being fought with the wrong weapons, others that the outcome is not for us to determine but depends on international factors. Still, it continues. The battle is to get inflation back down to its official target of 2 per cent.

While inflation has fallen from its peak of 11.1 per cent last October to 6.8 per cent last month, there is a bigger journey to get from here to 2 per cent than that achieved so far. There is nervousness in government about where we go from here — particularly around next month’s figures, which will determine by how much state pensions and other benefits go up next April. Household energy bills are heading in the right direction, but petrol prices are rising again.

Meanwhile, the collateral damage from fighting inflation with higher interest rates — which can now be seen in the housing and labour markets and will spread elsewhere — is building.

The latest “flash” purchasing managers’ survey, published a few days ago, dropped well below the key 50 level and was headlined “UK private sector output falls at fastest rate since January 2021”. That month, to remind you, marks the start of the third Covid lockdown, when monthly GDP fell by nearly 3 per cent. Other countries are seeing a similar impact.

Is the battle worth the fight? Why do we have an inflation target, and why does it have to be 2 per cent? Would it make much difference if it were higher, say 3 or 4 per cent, if it meant less interest rate pain?

This debate has been running for a long time but remains hot. A few days ago, Jason Furman, former head of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, wrote in The Wall Street Journal that the Federal Reserve, the US central bank, should lift its target from 2 to 3 per cent when it next reviews its strategy.

“Whatever considerations led policy- makers to conclude that 2 per cent was the right number in the 1990s would lead them to consider something higher, like 3 per cent, today,” he wrote.

A bit of history might be useful. The UK came to have an inflation target by accident just over 30 years ago. When the pound was forced out of the European exchange rate mechanism (ERM) on “Black” Wednesday in September 1992, the central plank of the government’s economic policy was removed.

In its place, an inflation target was introduced. Legend has it that the process was helped by a couple of economists from New Zealand on secondment at the Treasury. Three years earlier, New Zealand had pioneered an inflation target — and an independent central bank got the job of meeting it.

The UK target, for inflation to be kept in a 1 to 4 per cent range, paved the way for the Bank of England to be made independent in 1997. Its target was 2.5 per cent for a measure known as RPIX: the retail price index excluding mortgage interest payments. This was chosen instead of plain RPI because, otherwise, the Bank would have been targeting a measure that mechanically went higher every time interest rates were increased.

Things became simpler with the shift to a CPI (consumer prices index) target in the early 2000s. The target was reduced from 2.5 to 2 per cent, reflecting the fact that, over time, RPIX inflation was about half a percentage point higher than CPI inflation. That 2 per cent also became the consensus figure among central banks, though the UK target is set by the government, as since 1992.

Why, despite the current difficulties, think about changing the target? After all, and this may surprise you, in the first 25 years of Bank independence, until the spring of last year, CPI inflation averaged exactly 2 per cent — bang on target. The very high inflation of the past year or so has tarnished the record, so the average since 1997 now stands at 2.4 per cent. Disappointing, but not disastrous.

For economists such as Furman, one of the strongest arguments for a higher target is that, while it seems a distant prospect now, few expected we would enter a long period with official interest rates at zero, or close to it, when 2 per cent became the inflation target; stimulating their economies meant central banks had to resort to quantitative easing (QE) and other unconventional measures. It is easy to forget now that two years ago, before it embarked on the current run of raising rates sharply, the Bank was busy putting negative interest rates into its policy toolkit. A higher target would give central banks more leeway, and more ability to cut rates when necessary, without even thinking of negative rates.

There is another argument, which in the case of the UK is more compelling. It is that, in spite of the record of the past quarter of a century, I am not sure that 2 per cent ever became the natural or “normal” rate of inflation in the UK.

I say this because if you look at inflation over the first 25 years of independence, when the rate averaged 2 per cent, goods price inflation was a low 1.1 per cent, while service sector inflation, a better measure of domestically generated price pressures, averaged 3.3 per cent. Goods prices were held down by the China effect and the initial price-reducing impact of the internet — factors that have faded in importance. Neither prevented goods price inflation from surging over the past 18 months, alongside food and energy.

There is another piece of evidence, from the Office for National Statistics. In new research, it has produced data for what it calls “that part of inflation which is common to all goods and services in the index”. It can thus be considered, says the ONS, “the general underlying trend or core inflation rate across the whole economy”. It has calculated this trend or core inflation rate from January 2002 until last month — so a period of more than 20 years — and the average over that period is 2.75 per cent, which is closer to 3 per cent than 2 per cent.

Shifting to a 3 per cent inflation target would have costs. For the government, it would imply a higher debt interest bill and increased costs in the long term for uprating state pensions and benefits.

For everybody else, it would mean a higher price level. Under a 2 per cent inflation target, if achieved, prices rise by 22 per cent over ten years; with 3 per cent, it would be nearly 35 per cent. The 2 per cent target was chosen because it was a rate that did not interfere with business and consumer decisions; firms and individuals would not always be trying to beat inflation. That might also be true at 3 per cent, but it might not.

Perhaps most difficult would be the adjustment to a higher target, which could not be achieved without a loss of credibility and could not be tried until inflation has subsided a lot more, probably to 2 per cent, at least for a while. In this respect, moving the goalposts would not help us out of the present difficulties. But it might make such difficulties less likely in future.

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