Let knowledge spread around the world
It is not in the west’s interests to stop developing countries from innovating Martin Wolf April 24, 2018 Financial Times
In the long run, as the Nobel laureate Paul Krugman has written, productivity is almost everything. But what drives productivity? The answer is know-how. It is because humanity has discovered, developed, deployed, and disseminated useful knowledge that an ever-rising proportion of the world’s population is at last escaping the “poor, nasty, brutish and short” lives of our ancestors, pithily described by the philosopher Thomas Hobbes in the 17th century.Knowledge is also somewhat paradoxical. It is most productive when freely available. But the incentive to create it depends on the ability to restrict its use. The former consideration justifies dissemination. The latter justifies control. How, then, is this balance working?
The latest World Economic Outlook offers an illuminating chapter on how globalisation has been helping to spread useful knowledge. This analysis sheds light on the contemporary landscape of innovation, on the current diffusion of knowledge, on what is happening to productivity, on the role of global value chains and on the impact of competition on creation and use of knowledge.
Perhaps the most significant conclusion is on the shift in the location of innovation. If this is measured by what are called “patent families”, by which is meant patents filed in more than one jurisdiction (a measure of their significance), the US, Japan and the big three European economies (Germany, France and the UK) are still dominant. China is already second in terms of spending on research and development, only a little behind the US. In the aggregate stock of patents, China is also already ahead of the UK. Strikingly, the annual rate of patenting is stagnant in the big five advanced economies, while it is soaring in the emerging world, and above all in China. (See charts.)Meanwhile, emerging economies are benefiting from applying already developed ideas within their own economies. That is how the diffusion of economic growth has worked since the industrial revolution (indeed, before). Globalisation, it appears, has accelerated the rate of diffusion by lowering the obstacles. This has occurred via foreign direct investment and via the unbundling of production via global value chains. Access to foreign know-how fertilises invention: thus, the greater the knowledge inflow, the stronger becomes domestic patenting. This is not only true for emerging countries. It is also true for those at the knowledge frontier.
A particularly important conclusion of this analysis is that greater competition — one of the benefits of economic globalisation — accelerates the diffusion of technology across countries and even the rate of innovation itself. One explanation for the latter might be that returns to innovation are increased by access to a bigger global marketplace.
Unfortunately, what is happening today is not just the entry of new innovators, but an apparent slowdown in the rate of innovation and productivity growth in the advanced countries. This is yet another reason why their voters, business leaders and politicians have become more defensive. Yet if there is one lesson from two centuries of unprecedented economic growth it is that old knowledge ultimately becomes a widely-available commodity. The most important task for the advanced countries is to create useful new ideas. On that will their futures ultimately depend. Achieving this will require not just well-designed intellectual property rights, but government support for fundamental science and breakthrough technologies, as was the case for the internet some decades ago.
Above all, it is not just about protecting IP. It is also about recognising that it can be an obstacle to competition. It is still more about focusing on the future. A world in which innovation is more widely shared is both inevitable and desirable. This is a future we ought to want. The old monopoly is gone. Good.
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